The kettlebell is a simple piece of fitness equipment that has been around for centuries.
The genius of the kettlebell is that you only need one to give yourself a great workout. They're small and inexpensive yet highly effective for building muscular endurance and burning fat for both men and women.
You can do a kettlebell workout at home, at the gym, or outdoors. The motivational video located lower within this article can help you get started.
The kettlebell is a round weight with a flat bottom and a U-shaped handle on top.
Because the handle is farther from the center of mass than a typical dumbbell, the kettlebell is perfect for release movements – when the kettlebell changes hands midair – and swinging exercises.
If you want to add enormous amounts of muscle mass to your frame, then kettlebells will perhaps not be something you use daily.
However, if you'd rather have sleek, defined muscles than large, bulky ones, adding the kettlebell to your fitness toolbox is probably an excellent idea.
Research studies have validated that the kettlebell is good for helping to remove pain in the neck and shoulders, strengthening the lower back and buttock muscles, and improving general physical fitness – when used properly.
A Results-Earning Kettlebell Workout that You Can Do Anywhere
Because the kettlebell is not large or cumbersome, it's ideal for interval training and burning calories while simultaneously sculpting and defining the musculature.
What follows is a kettlebell workout that emphasizes shoulder mobility, so it's good for beginners as well as athletes over the age of 50. Modify the exercises to meet the unique needs of your own body and fitness level. See the video lower in this article to see how each movement flows.

Here are 12 exercises to start a fat-burning, muscle-sculpting workout.
Each circuit is done three times.
Do each exercise within the circuit consecutively without rest, then take a 2-minute rest before repeating.
After you complete your third time through a particular circuit, you move on to the next circuit in the series.
Circuit One: Kettlebell Crunch, Oblique Swivel, Russian Twist with Skip, and Frankenstein Walk

Kettlebell Crunch
- 10 full-range repetitions, finishing-up with 10 pulses at the top.
- When doing your kettlebell crunch, secure the kettlebell on your chest as you lift your shoulder blades off the ground.
- Initiate the movement from your core, not your neck.
- Keep your lower back bolted to the ground and your navel pulled-in tightly.
- Your legs are straight on the ground, with a slight knee bend.
- Among the biggest mistakes people make when crunching, is shortening their spine. Keep your spine long while crunching to give your abdominal muscles room to flatten – instead of bulging out like a punching bag.
Oblique Swivel

- 10 reps on each side.
- Bend the knee opposite from the hand holding the kettlebell.
- Wild movement is unnecessary – it's more about depth. Concentrate on flattening the waistline and engaging your side oblique muscle.
Russian Twist with Skip Variation

- 20 reps total.
- Russian Twists are helpful because they mimic some of the actual movements of daily life, such as reaching for your seatbelt, etc.
- Watch the video provided with this article to understand the "skip," which is setting the kettlebell down, twisting, then picking it up again.
- Keep the feet elevated off of the ground. To protect your lower back, keep the navel pulled in tightly the entire time.
Frankenstein Walk

- This is a variation of the Farmer's-Carry exercise, popular in CrossFit classes.
- Hold a kettlebell up over your head and walk. However, instead of normal walking, you flex your foot as you step out, point your toe and raise your heel as you step off the ground.
- Effectively, it's a calf heel raise – only harder than it looks.
- This will tone your calf muscles as it develops your balance.
- Keep your ribs compressed (not popping forward) to prevent your lower back from swaying.
- Walk 1-minute out and 1-minute back.

Second Circuit: Kettlebell Swing, Goblet Squat with Hammer Curl, Overhead Squat with Tricep Extension, and Exaggerated Skips
Kettlebell Swing
- Considered the pinnacle of kettlebell movements, the swing is outstanding at conditioning the body, but only if done correctly.
- Most of the time, when I see people doing kettlebell swings at the gym, they're doing them poorly. Usually, they're turning the movement into a "front arm raise," trying to use the strength of their shoulders to lift the kettlebell.
- The trick to a good kettlebell swing is to use the forward-and-up thrust of your hips to initiate power behind the swing. It's a real booty-firmer.
- 20 reps.

Goblet Squat with Hammer Curl
- 10 reps.
- Grip the kettlebell securely at your chest as you squat down.
- Hold the squat at the bottom as you do a hammer curl, then return up to the starting position.
- Anytime you squat, create some torque in your feet. That means pressing the soles of your shoes evenly into the ground as if you're trying to turn your feet outward (only, your feet stay in place).
- Proper squat positioning involves tight abs, activated glutes, chest up, and gaze forward.
- Make sure your scapula is set – no hunching.

Overhead Squat with Tricep Extension
- 10 reps.
- Arms up overhead, holding the kettlebell behind your neck.
- No swayed back – keep your ribs compressed so they don't pop forward.
- At the top of each squat rep, do an overhead tricep extension.

Exaggerated Skips
- 1 minute out, 1 minute back.
- Skip along like you're a little kid frolicking joyfully – except exaggerate so that your jumps are stronger and your knee lifts a little higher.
- Looks easy in the video, but believe me, your heart, lungs, and legs will feel it.
- Another benefit to doing these skips is that it will help release some of the tension you built in your neck and traps during the previous squat exercises.
Third Circuit: Lunges with Shoulder Press, Held Lunge with Halos, Held Squat with Around-the-Worlds, Jumps

Lunges with Shoulder Press
- 10 reps each side.
- As you press up from your lunge, reach your arm up over your shoulder.
- Core tight, and try to keep your front knee over your ankle.

Held Lunge with Halos
- This time, instead of coming up from your lunge, you hold a deep lunge while you hold the kettlebell and spin it around your head.
- 10 times each direction, switching legs.
- Easy does it here. The idea is to improve shoulder mobility, not harm it – so be gentle.

Held Squat with Around-the-Worlds
- Hold the bottom of the squat while you pass the kettlebell around the front and back of your body.
- 10 times each direction (see video).
- When your legs start to burn, just remember: that is the feeling of your thighs getting more powerful.
- Hop in place 30 times.
- Or, if you have a jump rope, use that.
Executed properly with good form, the above kettlebell exercises can help to give you a leaner and stronger physique and improve your overall physical conditioning.
This entire kettlebell workout can be done in under 45-minutes.
As always, ask your medical doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen.
For beginners, choose a very light kettlebell weight while you familiarize yourself with the movements. Later, you can add more weight progressively for increased results.