Understanding the role of inspiration in achieving health goals is crucial – especially if you want to be fitter than you are right now.
Here are some vital tips on using inspiration to help yourself feel better, look better, and become even healthier.
A study from the International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (2014) established that humans are likelier to achieve health goals when they feel consistently inspired. You are more likely to look and feel fantastic if you motivate yourself with images of people who have what you want.
I've included photos of stunning, mature influencers who will inspire you to move forward on your journey toward a better you.
I've also included a video that should prove helpful for making improvements to your own health and physique.
Surround Yourself with People Who Are Thriving
There's an old saying, "Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with."
It's a saying that seems as wise today as it did decades ago.
Creating a healthier physique is more challenging after the age of 50.
It's common in life to feel discouraged or isolated.
Even a busy person surrounded by crowds of people can still feel disconnected
But you can improve the appearance and performance of your body – if you expose yourself to the right stimuli.
For starters, it's helpful to surround yourself with thriving people who motivate you and exemplify how good life can be.

Sometimes, building your ideal community of real-life people feels impossible. We move for work, or friends move away. Generally, we get so busy with children and other responsibilities that we end up sequestered from one another.
Fortunately, reading about people you enjoy and respect – such as online health influencers – helps you smile, laugh, feel encouraged by your culture, and feel connected to the collective human experience.
What is Inspiration and Why Do You Need It for Health Goals?
Inspiration is a process of being mentally and creatively stimulated positively. It's invaluable for building inner enthusiasm and confidence to achieve new goals.
The right motivation can make achieving your health goals much easier. It could be the difference between success and failure.
Using Inspiration to Hit Your Health Goals
Here's what happens when you're genuinely excited about something:
- You'll spend more time working on it.
- You'll accept challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
- You'll deal with setbacks without letting them get you down.
In the past, I've found that people tend to believe that inspiration is a passive resource. They think you either have it or you don't; if you don't, there's nothing you can do about it. But I disagree with this line of thinking.

The truth is that we can all create inspiration — it's just a matter of learning how.
It starts as an idea in your mind, "This is possible for me," or "I want this for myself."
It becomes real when you put action behind it.
When it comes to goals, inspiration plays a pivotal role.
Though we all have goals in life, it's hard to keep them on track when faced with obstacles, setbacks, and failure. This is especially true regarding health goals like weight loss or fitness.
Inspiration is the fuel that keeps us going when we might otherwise feel like we can't go on.
It gives us the power to keep going even when things get tough. And it reminds us why we set these goals in the first place: because they matter.
Inspiring Tips and Role Models for a Fitter You After 50
True inspiration affects us differently, depending on what we find inspirational.
When it comes to health and fitness, true inspiration can be harder to come by. However, it exists in books, websites, and programs written by experts who have successfully achieved their health goals and want to share their knowledge with others to replicate success. For example, check out these influencers who are hitting new health goals.
George Dellinger, Age 60
George Dellinger is a compelling individual. He is a 60-year-old model and post-production producer for films, television, and commercials who lives in Brooklyn. His passions include animal-flow training and rooftop gardening.
Dellinger has a dimensional personality that combines positivity, adventure, physical strength, and a robust work ethic.

"We’re here on this planet for a nanosecond," says Dillinger. "And while I’m here, I want to experience as much joy as possible."
Cynthia Orsini-Dahl, Age 67
Cynthia Orisni-Dahl is a model and actor located in Southern California. Her athletic childhood, coupled with her recent passions for mindful breathing techniques and yoga, has given her a bearing of natural grace and nobility that inspires her students.

Orsini-Dahl believes a key to healthy aging is – as John Wooden once said – to "not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
Guillaume, Age 53
Guillaume lives in France and works as an administrator.

Guillaume is passionate about being a spouse and a parent. His hobbies are working out and nutrition. "If you are lucky enough to have good health," he says, "then do everything you can to preserve it."
Jill Warner, Age 53
Jill Warner is a fitness trainer in Arizona who values strength, dignity, laughter, gratitude, and faith.

Warner's strategy for aging well is combining intelligent nutrition with resistance training and getting fresh air outdoors when the weather permits.
Lenny Kravitz Is Thriving at 60 Years Old
Lenny Kravitz is a highly regarded musician, songwriter, producer, and recording artist. Kravitz is more than an influencer; he's a global celebrity.

Kravitz lives much of his time in Paris, and among his secrets to healthy aging are to:
- eat a plant-based diet,
- develop a deep sense of spirituality,
- follow-through on goals,
- and, do what you love.
If you lack the inspiration to achieve or maintain your health goals, here are a few tips for getting your creative juices flowing so you can finally start living the healthier life you know you deserve.
Unlocking Your Potential: Mature Influencers Inspire Better Fitness After 50
Who are your favorite mature celebrities and online influencers? Have you ever stopped and thought about why they're your favorite?
If you're like me, you like them because of how they make you feel.
It might be their sense of humor or a particular confidence they exude that makes you feel good.
Inspiring images and articles are vital to achieving health goals because they remind you of what is possible for you and your life.

Being inspired allows you to see yourself similarly to the people you admire. Even if your lives don't share the exact same details and circumstances, you are still reaching some of the same realizations – that life is worth living and that you can help shape your destiny.
Negativity Fast: Harness the Power of Positive Inspiration for Health Success
What I've found to be most helpful when achieving new health goals?
The answer may surprise you: a negativity fast.
What is a negativity fast?
It's fasting – but instead of avoiding food, you avoid negativity.
It's the conscious act of avoiding bad news – including media headlines and people who bring you down.

When you expose yourself to positive stimuli, you maximize joy – and when you maximize joy, more good things happen.
Check out this positive video about a surprising way to improve your health and appearance after the age of 50:
On a negativity fast, you deliberately seek good news and positive people who help you feel enthusiastic about life.
A Peculiar Truth: Inspiration Begets More Inspiration
Yes, goals require effort. You don't just wake up one morning and find yourself with a flat stomach and defined abdominal muscles.
However, once you achieve a goal, you will:
- be able to look back on this time in your life as a turning point for how you perceive yourself and what it means to be healthy.
- have proof that you're capable of doing things other people might not think you could do.
When inspiration flags, practical measures can help you get back on track:
- Move your body. No matter how busy you are, you can always carve out time for exercise. It doesn't have to be a huge time-suck; even just 20 minutes of walking daily will work wonders for your mood and mental health.
- Set aside an hour each week to work on one thing related to your bucket list (no matter how small). You'll feel great about yourself when it's done—and what's more motivating than feeling great?
Inspiration is like a plant. It needs to be maintained to serve its purpose.
Get Inspired! Conclusion on the Secret to Achieving Health Goals
An influencer is a person who shares their experiences and expertise with others on the internet in a way that is both aspirational and credible.
Mature online influencers are getting in shape, losing weight, and living healthier lives by opening up about their struggles and triumphs.
While it’s great to see these influencers take the time to share their stories, it's essential to remember that inspiration is a two-way street. Instead of only looking at these influencers and thinking, “I want to be like that someday,” you can follow up that thought with another: “I can do this, too.”
Mature online influencers have overcome their age because they've reached a level of fitness that is too often unattainable for others within their age group.
They have helped countless people achieve their health goals by sharing their stories and inspiring others to do the same.
When you're over 50, it's easy to feel like you've already made your mark on the world. You might be thinking about retirement or looking forward to the idea of slowing down and enjoying life more.
But if you want to live a long and healthy life, there's no time like the present to start prioritizing your health — and plenty of mature influencers are doing just that.
Inspiration should be paired with action to reach your new health goal successfully:
- You can start by using your imagination to visualize your new self.
- Imagine yourself at your goal weight, wearing those clothes you can't fit into anymore, or feeling confident in your body after losing weight and getting in good condition.
- Next, think about what's stopping you from making this change. What are some potential impediments? How would overcoming these obstacles make you feel? What do you believe is preventing you from making this change happen today?
- In a goal such as this, how would you – historically and unconsciously – get in your own way?
Once you've identified what's preventing you from taking action, you can start brainstorming solutions and looking for ways around those roadblocks — or better yet — embrace them as opportunities for growth.
References on Inspiration and Health Goals:
Research on Motivational States that Help Individuals Bring Ideas to Fruition – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4070479/
Moments of Inspiration that Helped People Live Healthier Lives – https://www.aetna.com/health-guide/moments-that-inspire-people-to-live-healthier-lives.html
Self-Confidence Is an Influential Motivator and Regulator of Behavior –https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/2303/chapter/13
On Staying Motivated – https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/fitness/art-20047624
Over 50 Years Old and Providing Inspiration – https://theinfluenceagency.com/blog/top-50-influencers-over-50/