I'm Dane Findley, a healthy-lifestyle advocate.
My mission in life is to help others experience more daily joy through improved physical and mental health.
I'm particularly fascinated by how to stay trim and fit after the age of 50 (see the video below).
My message is simple: it’s only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone – therefore, the best investment you can ever make is in your own health.
I’m a full-time health blogger. I have been for over 15 years.
I run three websites:
- Over Fifty and Fit is this site.
- Lifestyle & Properties is for people who dream of living in a year-round fair-weather community with a higher quality of daily life.
- LongevityLifestyle.club is my private site (for course participants).
I spend most of my time researching and writing articles that help people obtain the life they want. The rest of my workday is spent doing things to help keep search-engine algorithms – Pinterest and Google – happy with me.
For over a decade, I've worked on these projects for an average of 50+ hours a week.
It's my passion – my soul-hustle.
I'll probably do this for the rest of my life – unless I ever find a way to help even more people that is more enjoyable than what I'm doing now.
I create courses that improve lives, and – in my spare time, I cook simple paleo meals and read sword-and-sorcery novels.
13 Facts about Dane Findley
- I am the Editor of the popular (and free) Quality of Life Newsletter. Each issue features a specific happiness strategy to help bring one's joy up to the next level. Over the last decade, hundreds of thousands of people have subscribed.
- I've been passionate about Pilates since I was a teenager.
- My partner David and I help those seeking to buy and sell lifestyle properties – high-concept estate homes for those who live boldly and follow their dreams.
- I have a master's degree in counseling psychology and have published over 100 digital articles, videos, and podcasts on health and motivation.
- I was born and raised in the US in California.
- One rainy Saturday afternoon as a young boy, I happened to see an old Tony Curtis movie on TV called The Rat Race – and it occurred to me for the first time that I was a "creative type."
- I love people, yet I require enormous amounts of solitude to maintain my happy disposition –introverts recharge their emotional batteries in isolation.
- For years, I lived on an off-the-grid, tropical island farm, where I showered outdoors in rainwater, and my electricity came from the sun.
- I get asked many questions about freshly made green smoothies; blenders can help people at last reach that once-elusive goal of sneaking more vegetables into their daily diet. Inflammation can be radically diminished by making key nutritional improvements.
- I wiggle my toes a lot – I’m a big believer in joy.
- Among my favorite novels is Another Roadside Attraction – a quirky story that reveals how to allow happiness into your life even when you’re convinced you’ll never fully fit in.
- The most inspiring movie I’ve ever seen is a 1940s melodrama called Now, Voyager. It reveals a wounded person’s journey into empowerment.
- Even as a kid, I was enthralled with the idea of open-air living and dreamt about living year-round in a fair-weather climate.
Though in my professional life I am initiating, I was born essentially with the brain circuitry of a yin-energy male.
How that manifests is that when I encounter someone likable and loaded with potential (which happens often), I feel a peculiar urge to take that person on a long walk outdoors or cook them a healthy meal.
I mean that literally and metaphorically: my instinct is to organize a person's home and daily lifestyle so that they experience a return of abundant physical energy and increased enjoyment and motivation.
Even though I like people and feel the desire to be helpful, I recognize that many people are overextended, and therefore I choose to set healthy boundaries.
Moving into the orbit of an overextended person is like being sucked into a black hole. Even though I'm deeply curious about people and could happily listen to them talk about themselves, the reality is that most people cannot reciprocate that level of listening.
People don't mean to be draining; it's just that they're distracted and tired – and often, they don't even realize it.
My solution to this conundrum is to curate this website and load it with actionable resources that help others experience more authenticity and fulfillment in their daily lives.
Contact Me
The best way to reach me is simply to subscribe to my weekly email update, and then you can reply whenever you have a comment or question.