You can experience more joy and fulfillment in midlife by tapping into the power of goal-setting. The following Law Of Attraction goal examples can help you feel profound emotional wellness and robust physical health during this phase of your life.
You can even experience more prosperity and abundance.
See the video lower within this article for a breathing technique to help you create a calm center.
This center of calm effectively creates a blank slate from which you can better manifest your goals.
What Is the Law of Attraction?
Law of Attraction is a term that refers to that dynamic in life whereby feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and habits tend to create more of the same:
- Habitual, internal negative feelings tend to create adverse outward circumstances.
- On the other hand, authentic positive feelings often create favorable circumstances.
It's common sense.
Are there exceptions? Sure, now and then, you'll notice someone who is habitually negative yet manages to acquire power and wealth.
But, you probably wouldn't want to trade places with them.
They tend to have poor physical health and – emotionally – they often seem brittle and unpleasant.
Life Has Distinct Phases
Midlife and post-midlife are distinct phases of your lifespan in which you'll have the opportunity to experience profound personal growth – to set and achieve positive goals.
If you want to be healthier and happier in your midlife and post-midlife, it's a good idea to use law of attraction to make the most of these later life phases – to help them be as meaningful as possible.
Developmental Stages of Mental Health
Psychoanalyst Erick Erickson believed that – in midlife and beyond – there's an impulse to nurture things that will outlast you:
- Around the age of 45, you might feel a strong temptation to reinvent yourself. You're flirting with the realization that it's time for something new.
- Around 55, you might feel the urge to contribute to the world by making positive changes that benefit other people.
- Around 65, you feel the desire to experience more feelings of wisdom, fulfillment, and acceptance – and therefore, you'll start making specific choices that will give you more of those exact feelings.
Midlife Stagnation
Not everyone rises to this challenge.
Some try to avoid these significant life phases by becoming rigid and ideological.
They watch television opinion shows that reinforce their worldview and anesthetize any urge for change. They're not looking to expand their perspective or to dramatically improve their health, empathy, relationships, productivity, or community involvement.
It's an understandable response to midlife. Personal growth can sometimes seem exhausting and a bit scary, which is how the term midlife crisis was coined.
Leveraging the law of attraction can help turn a midlife crisis from a negative into a positive.
Midlife and Post-Midlife Are Prime Opportunities for Personal Growth
Often, the best way to contribute to society and benefit future generations is to concentrate on being the best parent you can be to the children you already have.
However, if you're over 50, your children might be old enough to be already on their own path and require less daily mentorship from you.
Alternatively, you might not have children, and this, too, means that somewhere deep inside you'll feel an urge to tap into your unique talents and skills – however large or small – and use them on behalf of humanity.
From a self-improvement perspective, your life is not yet over just because you're over fifty.
Your work is not yet done.
But that work might look different from this point forward.
Three Law of Attraction Tools to Thrive in Midlife
As you journey into midlife and beyond, you can search for clues along the path that point you in the best direction. Here are three of them.
1. Follow Your Envy
Envy is considered a negative emotion, and it usually is. However, one surefire way to turn envy from a negative into a positive is to let that envy provide you with valuable clues about what matters most to you and what might be missing in your life.
Using a hypothetical example, let's say you learn that an acquaintance of yours has been promoted to head chef at a restaurant, and you feel a flare of envy:
- Acknowledge that you feel envy.
- Start peeling back the layers of that feeling.
- Ask, "what specifically about this do I envy?"
- Do you envy the public recognition of a job well done?
- Or, is it the increase in income?
- Is it having a career in a bustling environment with interesting sounds, smells, and people?
- Is it the artistic preparation of gourmet meals?
You might find that it's not being a chef that you envy but some aspects of the process that you find desirable. Keep exploring your envy until you've identified all the aspects you can.
Interestingly, after you spend time honestly feeling and evaluating your envy, you may end up no longer feeling envy at all, but rather, you will feel acceptance.
In many cases, you'll even be left with a feeling of celebratory happiness and acknowledgment of the other person's accomplishments.
2. Follow Your Endorphins
Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi helped establish the concept of flow, identifying it as a highly focused mental state conducive to productivity – in which one is dropped into a zone where time seems to no longer exist.
It's not exactly the feeling of joy, but it's close.
It's not exactly fulfillment, but it's close.
Flow is a state of being that occurs when you're doing something uniquely well-suited to you.
Flow is you having an optimal experience.
If we broke it down to science only, we might say that, during a flow state, your glands and central nervous system are secreting peptides that act on the opiate receptors of your brain, increasing feelings of pleasure and well-being.
But if we look at it spiritually, we might say you're doing an activity that somehow aligns with your soul's purpose.
If you're doing an activity and happen to notice that you're feeling the sensation of flow, you can determine:
- In what ways is this activity satisfying?
- How might that inform how I choose to spend your time and energy from this point forward?
3. Use Contrast
There's another Law Of Attraction tool you can use to establish how best to spend your time and energy in midlife or post-midlife.
It's a bit counterintuitive, but it works: start identifying what you absolutely don't want.
Next, you use contrast, asking yourself, "Well, if I don't want that, then what is the opposite of that?"
I'm not a big fan of dwelling on the negative. Spending too much time on negative thinking can begin to impact your brain chemistry in a disadvantageous way.
However, I believe in spending just enough time in the negative to identify a problem and switch quickly into solution mode.
Sometimes, identifying what you don't enjoy is a lovely first step toward the ultimate realization of what you do enjoy.
Ways to Calm Your Central Nervous System (so You Can Manifest with a Blank Slate)
Two easy techniques can help you move from fight-or-flight mode into peaceful serenity.
For those of you with a more sensitive-than-usual central nervous system, you may have noticed that you need to feel calm first to properly eat, poop, sleep, or have sex.
There's a good reason for this.
The sympathetic nervous system is "wired" within your torso as part of your body that helps you feel more alert, while the parasympathetic nervous system is in your neck, spine, and pelvis and helps you feel calmer.
The advantage of being in your parasympathetic system is that it allows you to:
- feel rested
- digest your food comfortably
- feel sexual arousal
- see your life more clearly (improve big-picture perspective).
Spending too much time in your sympathetic nervous system – or "alert mode" – can flood your body with stress hormones and have drawbacks for long-term health.
Experience Deeper Emotional Wellness with Law of Attraction
Humans tend to make poorer choices when agitated.
When something undesirable occurs, it creates anxiety.
The temptation is to try to dispel that anxious discomfort from your body by externalizing it – by getting angry and blaming someone. In those situations:
- How do you create a gap between stimulus and response?
- How can you be responsive (instead of reactive)?
"For me, the ability to live with integrity and pride is found in being able to choose the actions I take," says entertainment producer Whitney Cummings. "I used to be reactive and make decisions while my head was flooded with adrenaline. Now... [I'm better able to] wait on making decisions until I'm less adrenalized and less activated."
Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explains, "That agitated feeling in your body – that's adrenaline in action. It takes only half a second for adrenaline [to be released into the body], and once it's there, you're not going to put that genie back in the bottle. So what you need to do is then activate the calming parasympathetic nervous system to push back on that."
Breathe Your Way to Calm
The benefits of breathing exercises are:
- they take a very short amount of time;
- and the positive results can be immediate (even faster than the calming effect of eating carbs).
What has been proven effective is to take two consecutive inhales through your nose, followed by a longer exhale through your mouth.
Parasympathetic breathing will help balance your bloodstream and lungs' carbon dioxide and oxygen ratio.
"The long-term activation of the stress-response system and the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones that follows can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts you at increased risk of many health problems."
– Mayo Clinic
It makes you go from too anxious to calm. And it can be achieved in as little as three breaths:
- relax your diaphragm and inhale (nose) into the base of your lungs (halfway);
- take a brief pause;
- then inhale the second half (nose) into the top of your lungs, expanding your upper bronchials;
- then exhale (mouth) slowly.
Cohesive, low-level stress has become such a common feature of everyday modern life that most of us no longer have objective awareness about it or its impact on our well-being.
Walk Your Way to Calm
Seeing things pass by the eyes is a way that animals – including humans – calm their nervous system. When the body is moving, and images are flowing by on the retinas, it has a direct calming effect on the brain's fear center.
The eye movement created by self-generated, forward ambulation is quieting to the mind. In this sense, walking or running outdoors can be one of the best remedies for stress.
"Anytime your eyes are focused in a small compartment of space – whether it's a phone or tablet, or a small room as opposed to a vista – you are increasing the level of alertness and stress in your brain stem."
– Andrew Huberman
Get More of What You Want (and Less of What You Don't)
To assist you in tapping into the power of goal setting, I've included more helpful Law Of Attraction planner tools and goal examples.
This is important because, within the universe, the Law Of Attraction pays close attention to the energy signature of your feelings – and when your central nervous system is soothed, it creates the ideal blank canvas upon which you can manifest your goals into reality.
Ambivalence During Midlife: "What if I Don't Know What I Want?"
Lots of experts can advise you on how to get what you want. There's usually an assumption that most people know exactly what they want, but they just haven't figured out how to achieve it yet.
There is far less guidance available on how first to identify what it is you actually want. The last part of this article is devoted to helping you identify what you want in midlife and beyond.
Emotional Wellness Goal Examples and the Law of Attraction
Now that you've calmed and centered your mind to better prepare it for manifestation, and you've used Law Of Attraction tools, such as contrast, to help identify what you want from midlife, you can now begin the process of allowing these new, positive aspects to emerge.
Create a vision board – or a list of goals – that you want to become a reality.
I find it helpful to start with the why behind the goals.
For example, what feelings would you like to experience more of?
Here are some emotional wellness goal examples to help you get started:
- fulfillment
- wisdom
- joy
- confidence
- strength
Having identified the positive feelings you want to experience more often, you can now work backward from there:
- What action steps will help you realize these feelings and experience improved mental health?
- Add those action steps to your goals list – or add images representing those steps to your vision board.
Thriving in Midlife: Law of Attraction Tools for More Joy & Health
I would be remiss if I didn't tell you what I've learned about having a deeply satisfying midlife – which is to get as physically healthy as possible.
Of course, that's easier said than done, but it's true nonetheless.
Adopting an advanced-level anti-inflammatory diet can make all the difference. It will improve your mental clarity.
The benefits of this are not to be underestimated.
As inflammation lessens, so does brain fog. The ability to sustain focus, self-motivate, and achieve goals is increased.
Additional benefits to an anti-inflammatory diet are that your joints become more supple (knees, feet, hands, lower back, hips, shoulders, and neck), your posture improves, your energy level rises, and the fat deposits around your waistline shrink significantly.
After successfully adopting this lifestyle diet, exercising regularly becomes much more straightforward, increasing positive results.
You can experience robust physical health and emotional wellness by leveraging the law of attraction to your benefit.
The above law of attraction goal examples can help you to thrive in midlife and beyond.
Additional Sources to Unlock Joy & Wellness in Midlife with Law of Attraction Goal-Setting:
Psychosocial Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson –
Optimal Experience and Its Role in Development –
The Science of Fear and Relaxation – Andrew Huberman, neuroscientist –
Good For You Podcast (and video) with Whitney Cummings – (highly recommended)
Three Additional Breathing Exercises –
Chronic Low-Level Stress is Bad for Health – Mayo Clinic –