Picture this: a serene, wise mother cradling her newborn with a tender, knowing smile. She exudes a sense of calm, confidence, and unwavering love. This image encapsulates the essence of mature motherhood – a journey that, while not without its challenges, is filled with profound rewards. Recent studies have shed light on the numerous advantages older mothers bring to the table, from providing more sensitivity and emotional connection to their infants to raising children who excel academically. As we delve into the realm of wise motherhood, we'll explore the unique struggles mature moms face and, more importantly, the solutions and strategies that can help them thrive.
Older is Better: 11 Empowering Tips for Mature Moms
In a recent research study about the associations between maternal older age, family environment, and parent and child wellbeing, it was established that older mothers provide more sensitivity, warmth, emotional connection, and structure to their infants than younger mothers, even after controlling for socio-economic factors.
Another study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that children born to older first-time mothers (35 years of age or older) had higher test scores than children born to younger mothers. This difference is likely due to older mothers being more educated, more established in their careers, having higher economic status, and being less likely to smoke.
It can be challenging to deal with the stress of raising children, even for a younger parent. But mature moms sometimes face greater challenges because they sometimes have less physical energy and less free time – making parenting even more taxing.
The good news is there are solutions.
Mature Motherhood: These Are the Mental Health Hacks to Try
Here are eleven mental health tips for wise motherhood to help support a mature mom's physical and mental well-being.
1. Implement Self-Care Strategies When Possible
As a mature mom, you experience different challenges than younger moms.
Fortunately, you're not alone. Many women go through similar journeys.
There are benefits to mature motherhood.
Seasoned moms possess particular wisdom that some younger mothers may not have acquired yet.
Physical and mental health are interconnected.
When you are physically healthy, you tend to feel better mentally – and the opposite is also true.
A key part of maintaining both physical and mental health is living a wellness lifestyle.
It's never too late to start making positive changes in your life. Decide to shift your mindset to one that gives you full permission to take care of your own health.
Put the oxygen mask on yourself first. Not only is this more practical, but your children will see you prioritizing your self-care and, on some unconscious level, absorb the message that healthy people give themselves tune-ups.

2. Therapy Can Help Mature Moms Feel More Centered
A strange part of motherhood is meeting other people's needs.
Sometimes, a mother feels like everyone else's needs are getting met before hers.
Therapy provides a solution to this conundrum.
Talking to an objective professional who has been trained to hold you in positive regard while creating a safe space for you to explore, out loud, your thoughts and feelings can be immensely helpful.
The therapeutic process is grounding, helps you release anxiety, and reminds you of who you truly are and what's most important to you.
Therapists also help with strategies for improving spousal compatibility.
Arguments between spouses about parenting are often about scheduling, screen time, and sugar. Experienced therapists are accustomed to helping parents find solutions to these common sticking points.
If you're experiencing mental health challenges, seek a licensed therapist's services. There is no shame in receiving guidance.
Seeking help is an empowering act of self-care. A mental health professional can provide support and help you develop coping mechanisms.
3. Take Time for Yourself Away from Motherhood
It's important to make time for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes a day.
Doing things that help you feel happier – such as reading, bathing, or walking – will improve your mental health.
4. Exercise Consistently When Possible
Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it can also improve your brain chemistry. Taking time to get active can help reduce anxiety and increase endorphins (the happy hormones).
5. Consume an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Just like exercise, what you eat can also impact your mental health. Eating nutritious foods helps to improve mood and energy levels. Conversely, eating junk food often makes you feel bloated and sluggish – and can foster negative emotions.
Furthermore, recent research indicates that an anti-inflammatory diet can be especially helpful to mature moms – improving health, decreasing joint aches, and increasing energy.
6. Sleep More Deeply
Getting enough quality sleep is critical for good mental health. When well-rested, you can better deal with resistance and pet peeves. If you're having trouble sleeping, try a few things, such as reading before bed or investing in a more comfortable mattress.
7. Pause to Connect with Other Mature Moms
Spending time with family members and loved ones is an effective way to improve your mental health.
Whether you stay in touch via text, social media, or in person, quality time with those you care about can help promote positive emotions.
Taking time from your busy life to have tea with a friend – particularly if it's another mother close to your age – can do wonders for your mental state.
Strong relationships bolster a healthy life.
8. Go on Periodic Technology Fasts
It's important to take breaks from technology and disconnect from the outside world occasionally. Staying glued to your phone or laptop can increase stress and anxiety.
Make sure to take time daily to disconnect from technology and relax in nature or with a good book.
9. Find a New, Fun Hobby
Doing things you enjoy can help improve your mental health. Whether painting, hiking, biking, or gardening, participating in activities that make you happy can help reduce stress and improve your mood.
10. Tap into Mindfulness and the Wisdom of Mature Motherhood
Mindfulness is a form of meditation focusing on your breath and being present in the moment. It can help to lessen stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts.
There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as through yoga, tai chi, or simply by taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and bring awareness to your breathing.
11. Practice Gratitude and Positive Affirmations
Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help shift your mindset from negative to positive. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the blessings in your life, whether it's your children, your health, or your support system. Consider keeping a gratitude journal where you can write down three things you're thankful for each day.
Additionally, using positive affirmations can help combat negative self-talk and boost your self-esteem.
Create a list of empowering affirmations that resonate with you, such as "I am a strong and capable mother" or "I am worthy of self-care and love." Repeat these affirmations to yourself daily, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
By incorporating gratitude and positive affirmations into your daily routine, you can cultivate a more resilient and optimistic mindset, which is crucial for maintaining good mental health as a mature mom.
Are You a Mature Mom? You Are Not Alone
When it comes to motherhood, women have been waiting longer to have their first child:
- In 1935, the average age was 21 for a first-time birth.
- In 2014, it was 26.3.
- In 2022, it is age 30.
Because of fertility treatment (IVF) advancements, it is much more common today to see women becoming pregnant in their late 30s, 40s, and even 50s.
Not only are older moms parenting young children, but sometimes, at the same time, they are also caring for aging parents and/or managing a job outside the home. This can add to the stress and make self-care all the more important.
Conclusion on the Rewards of Mature Motherhood
It's vital not to take mental illness lightly. Mental health is important at any age, but it is especially important for moms over 40.
If you think you may have a mental illness, it's important to seek help as soon as possible. Generally, mental illness is treated with medication, therapy, or a combination.
The wellness lifestyle has been proven to help improve the mental health of older moms.
Living a wellness lifestyle can mean eating an anti-inflammatory diet, improving the quality of your sleep, modifying thought patterns to move from negative to more positive, and engaging in consistent workouts.
Finding time for activities you enjoy and feel good about is important. This could be spending time with friends and family, reading, or doing something creative.
There is another benefit for older moms. According to a recent study (see sources below) – late-life mothering doubles the odds of living a longer lifespan.
As we've seen, the path of wise motherhood is a beautiful, transformative journey that requires self-care, support, and a commitment to living a wellness lifestyle.
By prioritizing their physical and mental well-being, seeking therapy when needed, fostering strong relationships, and finding joy in hobbies and volunteering, mature moms can not only overcome the unique challenges they face but also harness the wisdom and life experience that sets them apart.
The trend of women embracing motherhood later in life is a testament to the resilience, adaptability, and strength of the human spirit.
So, to all the wise, wonderful moms out there, remember: you are not alone, you are valued, and you have the power to create a beautiful, nurturing world for yourself and your children.
Embrace the journey, and know that with each passing day, you are building a legacy of love, wisdom, and inspiration that will endure for generations to come.
Additional Sources on Mature Motherhood:
Older Moms Have Longer Lifespan – https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-older-moms-much-more-likely-to-become-old-ladies-20140625-story.html
Mean Age of Motherhood Is on the Rise – https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db232.htm
Generational Childbearing Differences – https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db68.pdf
Deferred Motherhood and Moms Over 40 – https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-05-06/motherhood-deferred-us-median-age-for-giving-birth-hits-30
On Screen Time – https://centerforanxietydisorders.com/how-much-is-too-much-technology-screen-time-and-your-mental-health/
The Brain/Food Connection – https://www.provisionliving.com/blog/brain-food-essential-nutrients/