I'm grateful for your enthusiasm and that you've subscribed to my weekly updates!
Being Grateful is What Gets the Ball Rolling
Gratitude is what fuels the universe.
By channeling increased energy and awareness into your own self-care you have started your ascent to new levels of robust health and joy.
Even though you like what’s happening now doesn’t mean that you still don’t want greater stimulation. The perfect creative stance is: satisfaction where I am and eagerness for more."
Opportunities to Feel Appreciation and Experience Robust Health
Some lifestyle habits are more important than others.
Life tends to flow more joyfully when these good habits are prioritized:
1. Grateful for Improved Nutrition
Your daily diet is the single, most important strategy for reducing inflammation and the risk of accelerated aging.
As a subscriber, you now have exclusive access to my Secret Room of Resources and your Free Guides:
- 10 Core Values
- 5 Best Green Smoothie Recipes (and shopping list)
- How to Have the Best Year of Your Life Yet
- Using Checklists to Get Outrageously Organized
Wishing you a healthy and happy day,
~ Dane Findley
p.s. if you've happened upon this page but haven't yet had a chance to opt-in to my inspirational weekly updates – you can do so here:
2. Appreciative for Improved Sleep
Sleep is a crucial component of intelligent recovery. During deep sleep, your body repairs itself most optimally.
3. Grateful for Improved Movement
Exercise is more important than ever because our culture is more sedentary than ever.
Most people radically overestimate how physically active they are (especially when compared to our ancestors).
Pilates body-conditioning sessions and group interval training classes are designed to create better:
- strength
- mobility
- balance
- agility
- spinal alignment
- posture
- speed
- power
- shape
4. Grateful for an Improved Psyche
The amount of joy you feel in life correlates with your willingness to continually find better ways of metabolizing life's daily little anxieties.
Gratitude is the sensitive understanding of the value of something. It's recognizing and enjoying the positive qualities of a particular person or circumstance. The more you practice feeling grateful, the easier it gets and the better at it you become.