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Vibration Plate Exercises – An Effective Workout for Older Adults

Vibration plate exercises feel good and produce positive results in older adults.

What follows is a highly enjoyable, complete vibration-training workout.

These 36 vibration plate exercises are designed to strengthen your body, burn calories, and improve joint mobility and muscular flexibility.

Be sure to watch the video lower within this article to see how each of the vibration plate exercises appears when performed correctly:

  • For beginners, these vibration plate exercises are an effective workout in and of themselves.
  • For advanced athletes, this collection of vibration plate exercises makes an outstanding warm-up to prepare for heavier lifts.

What Is a Whole-Body Vibration Machine?

The vibrating plate is a platform you stand upon that sends vibrations – via specialized motors underneath – throughout your entire body.

These vibrations are therapeutic when postures, movements, or stretches are performed on the platform.

Most vibe plate manufacturers include a setting (a dial or button) so that you can control the speed or intensity of the vibration.

One theory why many people report significant improvement with weight loss and muscle mass development is that being on a platform forces the athlete to focus more mindfully on form during vibration plate exercises to remain balanced.

My vibe plate is among my favorite exercise machines – I have one in my home gym area. I love using it for opening up my tight hips and inner thighs and creating a more symmetrical workout for all my major muscle groups. I believe it has helped me achieve my fitness goals in less time.

Blood Circulation and Other Health Benefits of A Vibe Plate

Research studies using a control group are establishing that – compared to traditional exercise – vibrational therapy and whole-body vibration training help to reduce inflammation and damage from excess blood sugar while simultaneously improving bone density, balance, blood flow, muscular flexibility, and core strength.

Similarly, compelling evidence indicates that vibration programs can heal nerve tissue, balance hormones, and improve metabolism.

Working out on a vibe plate will produce better coordination and sports performance.

Six clinical trials with a total of 194 subjects were included in three meta-analyses which determined a statistically significant effect of whole-body vibration plate exercises on the reduction of total fat mass.

mature athlete preparing for workout on vibe plate

Power Plate and Other Top Brands

Originally, vibe plates were prohibitively expensive and found only in rarified luxury fitness clubs or physical therapy studios.

As the prices have decreased, more vibe plates are being installed in all sorts of gyms. It’s more common to see vibe plates in home gyms, too (I have one in my living room).

What is the best vibration plate? Power Plate is among the most popular brands of vibe plates, and they have an enticing selection of models from which to choose – from simple personal models that can fit easily in a small room to large, fully-featured models that include a tower, computer (with routines and videos) and cables.


There are several other brands of vibe plates available, too, that run the gamut of features and price points.

Best Ways to Do a Vibe Plate Fitness Routine

An effective way to do vibration plate exercises is once a week during the colder, indoor months. During warmer months – when I’m exercising outdoors a lot), I do this workout every other week.

Many vibe plates come with an optional platform pad. If you’re wearing shoes, you probably won’t need the pad unless it’s an exercise in which you’re sitting on the vibrating platform.

You can also use resistance bands while doing vibration plate exercises – making them even more effective in building muscle.

Vibe plates come in different sizes. The fancy commercial ones at the luxury gyms are often quite large – meaning you can stand in a wide stance for some exercises if you wish. Some more basic models (like the one I have at home) are a bit narrower.

Autoimmune expert Dr. Terry Wahls recommends vibration therapy. Research studies have established vibration therapy improves muscle strength and functionality, especially in those experiencing challenges from inflammation (which is almost all of us). 20 minutes of vibration therapy in comparison to an hour of usual training has proven to show similar results.

My Favorite Vibration Plate Exercises

I often begin exercise sessions by limbering up the lower leg. I do this because the feet are the foundation of proper alignment, and when they are supple and strong, it bodes well for the rest of the body.

Lower Leg Series

  • Toe stretch (30 seconds each side).
  • Top foot (Tibialus Anterior / Dorsales / Brevis) stretch (30 seconds each side).
  • Heel raises (30 repetitions with exaggerated range of motion).

Soleus Stretch into Activated Mountain Pose

TIP: for the soleus stretch, sink the weight of your body back toward your heels and bend the knees a bit – until you feel a deep stretch low inside, near your ankle.

The 90-second Activated Mountain Pose is an opportunity to use vibration while achieving your best posture possible:

  • Stand with feet comfortably apart, toes pointing directly forward.
  • Lengthen your spine, including your neck, as much as you can.
  • Legs are straighter; however, your knees remain at least slightly soft.
  • Glide your shoulders back and down until they are centered within your torso.
  • Pelvis centered (not tilted forward or back).
  • Finally, it’s helpful to be mindful of how your body weight is distributed throughout your feet. Your feet shouldn’t roll out or in, forward or back – but should remain fully centered.

Vibration Plate Exercises: The Lower Body Squat Series

Exercises might appear easy in the video, but remember that they’re being performed on top of a vibrating platform, making them harder than they look.

A vibe plate is destabilizing, so your muscles have to make all of these micro-corrections to maintain balance and ideal form – and this recruits more muscle fibers than the workout otherwise would. During vibration plate exercises, the key is to focus on helping the target muscles contract.

  • Closer-Stance Static Squat on Platform – 60 seconds
  • Wider-Stance Squats – 16 reps
  • Prisoner Static Squat – 60 seconds
  • Bulgarian Split squat – 8 each side
  • Knee-Ups– 8 each side
  • Alternating Forward Lunges – 8 each side
  • Side Lunges – 8 each side

Leg Stretch Series – 45 Seconds Each Side

  • Quads
  • Hamstrings (leg raise: low or high)
  • Outer-Thigh (proceed cautiously with knees)
  • Inner-Thigh
  • Hip Flexors

Vibration Plate Exercises: The Planking Series

  • Incline Plank with Downward Dog (8 slow reps)
  • Decline Plank with Pike (8 slow reps)
  • Oppositional Limbs with Incline Plank (16 total – 8 reps each)
  • Leg Lifts in Decline Plank (16 total – 8 reps each)
  • Arm Lifts in Decline Plank (16 total – 8 reps each)
  • Incline Side Plank (30 seconds each side)
  • Side Plank with Dip, Decline (8 reps each side)

This vibe plate workout is for men or women. It can be modified to match any age or fitness level – beginner, intermediate, or advanced.

Torso and Upper Arms Series – 16 Reps Each

  • Decline Push-Ups for Upper Pecs
  • Row
  • Triceps Dips

An isometric exercise is when you create an intense, targeted muscular contraction without moving a joint. It’s a flex-and-freeze pose in which you create all effort with mind power! It’s an especially effective technique for the upper body.

60 seconds each:

  • Isometric Bicep Curl with Straps
  • Isometric Front Arm Raise for Shoulders
  • Isometric Rear-Delt Fly with Straps (2 variations – straps uncrossed and crossed)
vibration plate exercises
“Hollow Man” is one of my favorite vibration plate exercises.
  • Isometric Standing Row with Straps
  • Hollow Man (navel pulled in; ribs compressed)

TIP: During an isometric exercise, just because you’re holding the contraction doesn’t mean you’re also holding your breath. Breathe!

Make sure the straps are fully secure before beginning flex poses.

Vibration Plate Exercises: The Mobility Series – 60 Seconds Each

  • Crab Shoulder Stretch
  • Pec Stretch with Roller (press roller away from you to deepen)
  • Prayer Stretch
  • Elevated Feet Massage

TIP: While doing the final pose with elevated feet, include parasympathetic breathing to calm your nervous system and return your heart rate to normal.

Exercising on a vibe plate promotes instant reflexive responses that significantly increase circulation and reduce workout time.

Movements can be modified to match any fitness level, but consult with your medical doctor to determine if you have any medical conditions that might make using a vibe plate inappropriate for you.

healthy woman exercising on vibe plate
This vibe plate workout is for men or women. It can be modified to match any age or fitness level – beginner, intermediate, or advanced.

Choosing a Vibe Plate Model for Your Home Gym Area

If you decide to get a vibe plate for your home, I encourage you to choose one of the full-vibration models (in which the platform moves three ways – side to side, up and down, and forward and back). The plates that vibrate only by tilting side-to-side are not quite as effective.

Whole-body vibration training can be a great way to engage up to 50% more muscle fibers, potentially leading to increased overall strength and immune function – and improved recovery with less pain.

Remember, however, that a key component of health improvement is not just physical activity but also a healthy diet. Among your best options for creating significant change in your eating habits might be my course on adopting an advanced-level anti-inflammatory diet. It’s life-changing!

How Often Should You Use a Vibration Plate?

Individual needs and goals can vary, so it’s always recommended to consult with a qualified professional who can tailor a specific plan based on your unique circumstances. That being said, here are some general recommendations for how often to use a vibration plate.

Beginners: If you’re new to using a vibration plate, it’s advisable to start slowly and gradually increase your frequency. Begin with 2 sessions per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions. This will give your body time to adapt to the vibration stimulus.

Intermediate to Advanced: Once you become more comfortable and experienced with using a vibration plate, you can increase the frequency to 3 sessions per week. Again, it’s important to allow for adequate rest and recovery between sessions to prevent overuse injuries or excessive fatigue.

Duration of sessions: The duration of each vibration plate session can vary depending on the intensity and type of exercises performed. Generally, sessions lasting between 10 to 20 minutes can be effective. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body and avoid overexertion. If you’re new to vibration training, you may want to start with shorter sessions and gradually build up the duration over time.

Variety and progression: To maximize the benefits of using a vibration plate, it’s recommended to incorporate a variety of exercises and movements into your routine. This can include static poses, dynamic exercises, and stretches. Additionally, progressively increasing the intensity, duration, or complexity of your exercises can help to challenge your body and promote further improvements continually.

It’s crucial to listen to your body and adjust the frequency and intensity of vibration plate sessions based on your needs, fitness level, and underlying health conditions.

If you’re uncertain about how often you should use a vibration plate or have any concerns, it’s best to consult a qualified exercise physiologist or fitness professional who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Additional Sources Related to the Vibration Plate Exercises:

List of Research Studies Related to Vibrational Therapy, Vibration Training, and Vibe Plate Workouts – https://vmaxfitness.com/learning-center/research-studies/

Benefits of Mobility Movements for Seniors – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3567319/

On Isometrics – https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/isometric-exercises/faq-20058186

Effects of Strength Training Using “Unstable” Surfaces – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4656700/

Whole-Body Vibration Plate Exercises Impact Fat Loss – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6944803/