You can build your dream life. To get started, it's helpful to think of your mind as a garden and the plants you grow as reality.
Positive thoughts are like the bountiful fruits and vegetables you grow in your garden to feed yourself and your family.
Conversely, negative thoughts are like weeds and pests.
Tending to the garden of your mind can be an enjoyable and fascinating process of nurturing those things you want in your garden and removing those things you don't want, so that – come harvest time – you yield abundant crops.
Because your most habitual thoughts eventually influence the reality in which you live, to build a better life, you must first build better thoughts.
Below are eight ways to help you get excited about creating your new dream life. Below, each of these eight methods is explained concisely, and I've included a video that should also prove helpful.
What Is Your Dream Life?
Though each person's dream life is different, it will have one key ingredient: authenticity.
That's because a fulfilling existence aligns with your core values, genuine goals, and natural strengths — rather than chasing external definitions of success.
For humans, sustainable happiness is usually built through meaningful pursuits rather than temporary pleasures or societal expectations.
That might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people get caught up doing things merely because they fit the conventional definition of success and not because they actually bring joy or meaning.
Joy and meaning are the things that make life feel like a fully dimensional, full-color experience.
Joy and meaning help you want to get out of bed in the morning.
The Problem with Reality
When you first think about reality, you probably think of it as the aspects of your life that exist objectively. Reality is supposed to be the sum total of everything that's real.
However, if we're being honest with each other, "reality" is highly subjective and filtered through our personal perceptions, beliefs, and past experiences.

What we consider "real" is actually our brain's interpretation of sensory input, shaped by our expectations, emotions, and cultural conditioning.
Two people can experience the same event very differently.
Understanding this helps us be more open-minded, less rigid in our judgments, and more aware that our version of reality isn't necessarily the only valid one.
The problem with reality is that there comes a time in many of our lives when the relentless march of days turns to drudgery, and we find ourselves lost in a featureless emotional landscape of gray.
In other words, as life plows forward – day after day – we sometimes reach a point where we feel “blah.”
It’s as if we’ve been living on autopilot and have lost touch with our passions and zest for everyday living.
But is that destined to be our permanent reality?
It doesn't have to be.
You have the power to shape your reality through your thoughts, beliefs, feelings – and even the words you say out loud.
1. Increase Your Awareness about the Words You Use Most Often
Often those things we take for granted are – upon closer inspection – the most fascinating.
The mere fact that thoughts in my head can be carried through the air, to your ears, and interpreted within your brain (assuming an even remotely similar lexicon) seems almost magical.
The universe gave us language, in part, to help us connect positive feelings with words.
The world is made of language, and as your word choices and communication skills improve, so does your place in the world.
Language is a way to align with the positive power of the universe so that it can work on your behalf.
Positive words alter brain functions, influencing physical and emotional responses.
Research indicates that even a single positive word can regulate your body's reactions and emotions, underscoring the impact of language on your well-being.
John Eccles, a Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist, demonstrated how positive words can activate certain neurons in the brain, thereby influencing our actions and overall mental state.
When you access a positive feeling and connect it to a word, the universe around you can respond accordingly – by sending you people, events, and circumstances that are a better match to the vibrations you are sending out.
2. Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Before You Enter a Room
Everything has a vibrational frequency, including you.
Science has established the mechanical resonances of living human cells, demonstrating that they exhibit specific vibrational modes.
While the distinction between energy and matter is complex, it's understood that almost everything in the universe exhibits some form of energy because atoms and molecules, which make up all matter, are always in motion, creating energy.
This foundational concept applies to various types of energy observed in the universe – such as electrical, radiant, thermal, sound, chemical, stored mechanical, nuclear, and gravitational energy.
"This is always true: what I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here’s the big kicker: what manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously. So, you’ve got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy... If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking. But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking. You’re here to use your thinking — and your focus — to create.” — Abraham-Hicks
When you speak clearly about what you want and the positive feelings you're experiencing, you engage the natural laws of The Universe to assist you.
I encourage you to notice more objectively your own word choices while speaking:
- How many of them are positive?
Similarly, observe your thoughts as they occur:
- How many of them are negative or judging?
In some situations, could those negative thoughts be replaced with positive ones?
Experiment with shifting your focus in those moments.
Your attitude while undertaking this experiment can be playful and curious – you're merely discovering what is possible when you make small shifts in the places where you habitually devote your time and mental energy.
3. Get Enthusiastic about Creating Your Dream Life
From the universe's perspective, wanting things is productive – in the sense that desire channels energy into your body. Whether that energy is positive or negative is up to you.
Living a fulfilled, meaningful life involves figuring out what you want and finding a way to ask for it.
Yes, you can set goals and then take action to achieve them. But what matters most is to first generate inner enthusiasm as you visualize the life you’d like to live.
Enthusiasm is the creative flow of life force itself.
It's like rocket fuel to your goals!
Fantasize vividly about the life you'd like to be living while simultaneously feeling grateful for where you are. Goals are a reflection of your aspirations and values – and they serve as a roadmap to guide your actions and decisions toward a specific outcome.
The process of writing down your goals helps to clarify what, specifically, about life seems exciting and meaningful to you.
Achieving goals boosts your self-esteem because you are proving to yourself that you’re capable of achieving what you set out to do.
This has a positive impact on your overall sense of self-worth.
It can be a real confidence-builder!
"Even though you like what’s happening now doesn’t mean that you still don’t want appreciation or greater stimulation. The perfect creative stance is satisfaction where I am and eagerness for more."
4. Practice Feeling the Physical Sensation of Gratitude
You have the ability to focus your mind on feelings of gratitude. It might initially seem awkward or difficult, but you eventually get the hang of it.
Gratitude is a positive emotion, often described as a feeling of thankfulness or recognition for something received or experienced.
It’s an acknowledgment of the good things in your life – and of the efforts and kindness of others.
You can choose to appreciate what you have in life, and – when you do so – things will tend to get better in the long run.
For most people, gratitude feels warm, positive, and uplifting. It can bring a sense of inner peace.
Gratitude is often associated with feelings of abundance and deep satisfaction, focusing on the good things rather than on what is lacking. It can also then inspire other positive actions – such as acts of generosity and compassion, as individuals feel motivated to give back and share their blessings with others.
According to a recent study of positive emotions (Fredrickson / American Psychologist Journal), feeling upbeat expands your mindset, unlocking new possibilities for action and personal growth.
Over time, positivity helps you see that you have more choices at your disposal than you previously realized.
It's empowering. It's like doubling the number of colors in your Crayon box, and, therefore, you have so many possible ways to color, draw, and respond:
- You become less reactive and more enduring.
- You begin to understand that you are filled with personal resources to help you succeed in any situation.

Experiencing positive emotions leads to novel, expansive, or exploratory behavior – which, over time, builds meaningful, long-term resources such as social connections, coping strategies, and physical health.
5. Tend Carefully to Your Emotional Health
To manifest is to make something appear.
For example, when you start thinking more thoughts of abundance and fewer thoughts about "lack," you will – over time – begin to see proof of your internal mind patterns as they manifest in your external environment.
It's as if the universe is matching your energy, sending you abundant opportunities precisely because you keep thinking from this new perspective – that the world around you is abundant in good things.
“The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness.”
– Abraham-Hicks
Tending to your own emotional health is essential because it will improve your overall sense of well-being, which – in turn – helps you make better decisions and avoid unfortunate detours.
Practice good self-care and seek support when needed.
6. Surround Yourself with Supportive People
Positive people can have a beneficial influence on your mood, mindset, and overall well-being.
When you surround yourself with positive people, you are more likely to adopt their helpful habits and outlook on life, which can help you become more optimistic, creative, and resilient.
Celebrating life brings you closer to others.
Celebration and kindness provide an opportunity to connect with friends and build deeper relationships as you share in the joy and celebration of life together.
When you make a positive difference, you serve as a role model.
Your actions can inspire others to make positive changes in their own lives and in the world around them.
In this sense, your generosity and service leave a lasting legacy. You can be a beacon of light for others, showing them what is possible and inspiring them to keep going and enjoy their own process.
Even small gestures can have a big difference. The Butterfly Effect is a concept from chaos theory that suggests that small actions can have far-reaching and unpredictable effects.
The idea is that a small change in one part of a complex system (such as a butterfly flapping its wings) can ultimately lead to significant changes in another part of the system (such as a hurricane forming).
In terms of human behavior, a kind word or gesture toward someone who is having a bad day could improve their mood and ultimately have a positive ripple effect on others with whom they interact.
Similarly, small endeavors taken toward a larger goal can ultimately lead to significant progress.
For example, a single person volunteering time to a cause may seem insignificant, but when combined with the efforts of others, it can lead to significant change and impact.
You can think of your own life as an opportunity to create little ripple effects of positive change.
7. Engage in Activities that Help You Feel Fulfilled
It’s vital to find activities that align with your values and interests and to make time for them regularly in your life.
Try to do more things you love.
Engaging in activities that leave you feeling healthy and fulfilled is helpful because it promotes overall well-being.
Each day is a chance to bolster your own physical health, so it's even better when the things you love also happen to be good for you.
For example, if you enjoy all these things almost equally – cigarettes, hiking, whiskey, long outdoor runs, motorcycles, and woodworking – choose the three that are good for you in the long run.
I'm not saying you can't do motorcycles, whiskey, and cigarettes – there's nothing wrong with them – but if you're going to do things that have a potentially higher price tag to your health, you'd better really love them.
Gratifying activities also reduce stress. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction – such as long walks, meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature – will help you feel a deeper sense of calm and balance.
“The purpose of your life is joy. Your reason for being is joy, and your work and service in this world is finding your joy and sharing it.”
– Abraham-Hicks
8. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone into a New Reality
Trying new things in life is beneficial because it helps you learn new skills and gain new perspectives.
Often, when you step outside of your typical zone of comfort, you are empowering yourself and enhancing your own creativity. You’re stimulating your mind, and you’re being more innovative.
Breaking routine in this way helps life to feel less monotonous, and it increases your adaptability.
You’ll become more flexible and easygoing when unexpected changes arise.
“If you want something different, you have to do something different.”
– Abraham-Hicks
9. Get Good at Settling into the Present Reality
When your present, you’re more clear-headed and strategic.
One simple breathing exercise that can help you become more present is called “4-7-8” breathing. Here are the steps:
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, with your eyes closed or open.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose for a count of 4.
- Hold your breath for a count of 7.
- Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8.
- Repeat steps 2-4 for a total of 4 breath cycles.
As you perform this breathing exercise, focus your attention on your breath and the sensations in your body.
If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath.
Reality is what you make it.
This exercise can help calm your nervous system and bring your attention to the present moment, which can be helpful for reducing angst and overall malaise.
Conclusion: Getting Excited About a New Reality
The more habitual a thought it is, the more it shapes your reality.
Many of the thoughts that play inside your mind are repetitive.
By gently guiding your mind back to more positive thoughts and emotions, you can more easily realize your desires and increase your fulfillment.
What about life excites you?
What helps you to feel good – not just in the short term, but in the long term, too?
Excitement is a positive emotion characterized by a high level of energy, anticipation, and enthusiasm.
Positivity – the act of being, speaking, and acting positive – helps turn a desire into reality.
It's also possible to use negativity to get what you want, but doing it that way tends to impact your health in the long run negatively – and also negatively impact the environment around you.
An interesting way to think about joy and abundance is that it's always there.
Instead of only thinking of abundance as something you struggle toward, think about it in terms of no longer disallowing it by stepping out of its beam.
Abraham-Hicks says to “find a little piece of happy and fan the flame of it. Stop spitting the fire out. Ask, ‘how happy can I feel? what’s the best thought I can think right now? What’s working in my life right now?’ Demonstrate your deservedness through your happiness.”
When you’re excited:
- You’re engaged. You’re counteracting feelings of boredom or apathy and nurturing your own vitality.
- You’re more present in the experience, having a more immersive and enjoyable reality.
Being excited helps you build memories. A good life has memorable experiences associated with positive emotions. These memories can be a source of deep satisfaction and can also provide a sense of nostalgia and connection.

Your thoughts and words shape your reality more than you likely realize.
By making a conscious effort to think and speak in an uplifting, positive way, you quite literally elevate your energetic vibration.
From this higher frequency state, you become a powerful creator - attracting circumstances, people, and opportunities that align with your brightest dreams and visions.
Though it takes practice to override habitual negative thinking, cultivating an unwavering belief in your power to shape your reality through language is a superpower available to anyone committed to personal growth.
Every positive thought and word is another building block in crafting the life you most desire.